Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I Believe everyone deserves a chance to Fly

Well as many of you know that read this blog yesterday was my Cleveland Clinic appointment and even though he was 40 minutes late--which I hate--the appointment could not have gone any better.

Of course all of the typical first visit questions but some things I have neverever been asked about and frankly I thought no one cared what I thought. "What or how do you preceive having AIDS"? "What do you believe AIDS is doing to you"? "How do you feel when you have to take your pills"? "How do you feel having survived this long"? I was just besides myself, and he came across as he was lingering on my every word and was actually very interested in what I said and how it was said.

There was a misprint in his notes saying i had this only 16 years and not the 18 I will have on July 16 but what blew me aware and how the title of this post came to be is what he said next.

If your familiar with "Wicked" you will know there is a song that the Wizard sings called "Sentimental Man" with the line "I believe everyone deserves a chance to fly"..... well my you can fly moment came when this Doctor said my goal today after meeting you, talking with you and reading your file is I am going to give you another 20 years. With the right combination of drugs and if you take care of yourself it is VERY do-able and we will do it.

I was speechless, I felt like I had been handed the ruby slippers lock, stock and barrel and I was standing in them--that their magic was giving me that 20 years. NO one has ever said anything like that to me before, and no ONE has ever given me that kind of sheer HOPE before.

I go in 4 weeks to go over my blood tests he had done and I am sure what program or drugs are we adding, but for the first time I feel well-----ALIVE!

Well unto Judy--over the next few days I am going to be posting my newest additions in my collection. It seems like I hit a big finding streak and this wonderful friend (Lisa in NJ) sent me a whole slew of stuff.

The two I want to talk about today is sheet music, for me its like having the orchestrations Judy sang in my home and it is one of those collectible items that in all reality are very inexpensive. Normally bewteen $2 and 10 for Judy non-Oz stuff. SO the first one is the original sheet music--released around the time of the movie is called "Wait and See" and is from Judy's film "The Harvery Girls" where Judy plays one of the Harvery Restraunt Girls out West. This was part of the stuff I got from my friend in New Jersey--BIG THANKS LISA.

The second piece is from the movie "For Me and My Gal" which I have the DVD and the sheet music is of course the main song from the movie. This particular photogrpah for some reason is one of my favorites of Judy and I found this in an Antique Market while my brother was out last week, which there are things he bought I have to share as well. As always I ask that you keep me in your thoughts as I go back to the Cleveland Clinic to get my results but for the time being.....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Two new books

Well the last few days here have been absolutely some of the best we have had in a very long time--in the 80's to mid 80's for days and I for one have been outside as much as possible. My brother has been here since Friday so posts have sort of come to a stand still.

Between the yard work, the bar-b-queing and some doll work we have been very busy. Then you through in the shopping and well a guy has to sleep some time .

There have been new Oz items added in the last few days courtesy of my little brother which I have to photograph but today I want to cover two new books I just finished reading last night.

Comic book style would better describe what they are and I got at my local comic book.nostalgic toy shop here in town. He has been rather good to me watching for Oz stuff.
The first is "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" written by L. Frank Baum but adapted by David Chavel and Enrique Fernandez. Of course many of you know the original story was written in April 1900 this version is basically the book version Baum wrote way before the MGM 1939 Classic so many of us love. This one has a publish date of 2006 and is fully illustrated and in full color and is 103 pages in length broken down into three chapters. This one I think would be a delightful gift for a child of say 9-10 to read on their own or even younger read as bed time stories. What a great introduction to the book.

The second one is also Comic book in style by the ever creative and incredibly talented Eric Shanower by DarkHouse Comics. The title is "The Blue Witch of Oz" and was published in 1992. Eric wrote and fully illustrated this gorgeous book in the style that John R. Neill used in most of Baum's books. This story is basically the Story of the Good Witch of the East, and no I don't want to give away more than that .
I ask that you keep me in your thoughts and prayers on Tuesday as that is the day I go into Cleveland Clinic for my one time second opinion Dr. Gopal (My HIV Specialist) wants me to have I am a little nervous about it but hopefully things will be a little more clear after that visit.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

230 posts as of today

It is so hard to believe that on April 16th this blog celebrated its second year running and that this is the two hundred-thirtieth post with 2,820 hits more or less. Its been an amazing journey and one I hope will continue for a very long time more like 5,000 posts and 150,000 hits . guess I have to bump up my game on what the heck I talk about.

You know every know and then someone comes along and makes you feel absolutely wonderful and I have so many great friends that do just that--those that read this blog, those that post here, those on Facebook with me which I am, those who e-mail me, call me and send cards. It has been great knowing how much I am cared for, it makes the rough times easier if you will, knowing I am not alone in all of this ca-ca.

A great friend tat I have known for about 8 years now in Chicago was so sweet and sent me one of my newest pieces I want to talk about to day.

The above photograph is the front of this WONDERFUL program and i will show pictures of the inside not sure if you will be able to read it all but it is a Radio City Music Hall Program handed out the week beginning Thursday January 6, 1949 for the showing of "Words and Music" starring Judy Garland, June Allyson, Perry Como, Lena Horne, Gene Kelly, Mickey Rooney Ann Sothern and MANY more.

What makes this piece even nicer in my opinion is that it also lists all of the vaudeville acts before the movie--gosh I wish they still did that and popcorn too and all for under $2.00, those were the days I guess.

Many of you know I collect Oz but it is also Judy Garland as well, and in my frank opinion the greatest talent that has ever lived! It in many ways has become an all consuming obsession, it has and does take over a lot of my life and will more than likely till the day I die.

This movie I have not seen yet it is on my list of must see which I swear grows longer each day . One of these days it just going to be nothing but movies all day. I'll let you all know when I do that. :)

Not sure if I mentioned I go this coming Tuesday to see Dr. Taege at Cleveland Clinic for my one time Second opinion my HIV Doctor wants me to get, I ask that you pray as I have to be there at 9 a.m. and will be in the height of rush hour traffic. Hopefully he will be able to figure something out.

Until then I guess I just carry on--bad days or bad nights and all. No use boo-hooing about it, it gets old and nobody likes a "Down Dorothy". Well until tomorrow gang and will post the other wonderful trinket this friend sent me.... and of course a Youtube post

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Something a little Wicked

You know it has been hard the last few days getting over this cold, thankfully the laryngitis is gone and so is the nose blowing. But OY VEY this rash is just the limit let me tell you kids. According to my doctor its viral and will more than likely be 6 to 12 weeks before its gone, lucking flipping me huh! Oh well when your given lemons make lemon martini's , skip the lemonade and go for the hard stuff I always say.

I am on two new medications for it and my spirits well that a whole other story that we are just going to let lie like they say. Positive thinking and a perky attitude wins the battle right?

Speaking of positive and perky my sweetheart of a brother bought me last weekend and I just finished reading " A Little Bit Wicked" by Kristin Chenoweth---which of course was the first Briadway Galinda/Glinda in "Wicked". What a hoot, funny, sassy and like sitting with an old girlfriends and catching up on all the dirt, gossip and what is happening. My favorite stry involves this gentleman she calls "Der Upderkeister" and that is all I am going to say about that make you buy or borrow the book.
I also wanted to thank everybody for their prayers, notes of concern and love, and your "get well" tokens that were sent my way. It meant so much knowing how much I am loved.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Difficult News

Well I am not sure if I mentioned earlier this week about my doctor's appointment that I had with my HIV Specialist on Wednesday. As many of you know I drive into Cleveland to see my Doctor which I do not mind and many of you know how ill I have been again here lately. It seems at this time that it has gone from bad to worse.

When I saw my Doctor and got tests results 3 months ago my .....

T-cell count was 157 and my viral load was 1,200 which wasn't great but it wasn't terrible either

Yesterday my T-cell count was 86 (which is almost half of what it was) and my Viral Load is now 450,000. (Triple of what it was).

Keep in mind that Viral load should be as close to zero as possible as that is the amount of active virus in my body--almost if you will as 450,000 soldiers waging war against me. While my T-cells should be high (normal is 8,000) which means I have fighting for me 86 men.

My doctor wants me to see another HIV/AIDS Specialist for a one time second opinion visit at the Cleveland Clinic because according to the blood tests I should be responding to medication I am already on.

This isViral Loas wise the very worst I have EVER been. My T-cells have been lower but right now according to my doctor it is VERY bad and any little anything could be very serious indeed even life threatening. Pneumonia at this point could and more than likely literally kill me.

I was not expecting quiet this news, I knew I felt bad I knew how tired I was all the time and quiet honestly I thought it was because of the fibromyalgia and nothing more. Boy was I wrong! Needless to say I am scared right out of my mind right now and not sure were all this is going to lead but I need to do something and very quick.

As always I ask you keep me in your thoughts.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Wishing a very Happy Holy Season

Even though I have this g-d awful cold I wanted to take the time and wish all of my readers a very Happy Holy Season. Passover begins tonight at duck and Easter is Sunday. So with that said maybe somebody somewhere could makea Passover Musical for the pictures until then let's enjoy some Judy!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Last of the Manga Series

I did a post a few months back about the Antarctic Press and the "Land Of Oz Manga: Return to the Emerald City" well I wanted to show the last three comic books in the series--or what I tend to believe is the last in the series.

The story line of course follows the Oz book and the adventures a boy named Tip has who in reality ends up being Ozma under a witches spell. The books are by David Hutchison. Edited by Doug Dlin and Rod Espinosa. I lucked out getting these as our in town comic book/vintage toy store carries them. Dan and the staff have been really good to me holding each issue till I can get down and buy them.
What I really love is the beautiful covers and the black and white drawings in each issue. It wasn't until I went down to see if they had the new Eric Shanower Oz Comic books that I discovered these. What works even better is the way they are written and what a wonderful way introducing a child to the joys and fun of Oz.You won't have a problem holding their attention with this set of comic books.

The Jack the Pumpkin head cover is number 2 in the series and was released December 2008.

The Jinjur cover is number 3 in the series and was issued January 2009.

While the last one with Tip and the Giffin on the cover is number 4 and presumably the last and was issued February 2009.

If you would like to get these for yourself contact

The Toys Time Forgot
137 East Cherry Street
Canal Fulton, Ohio 44614
(330) 854-1700

and ask for Dan Hare--tell them Charlie Dale referred you

The babysitting I have been doing is going rather well, although I think I may have caught one of the boys cold as I have a slight cough and my voice has dropped considerably today. I sound like some John Wayne Cowboy movie reject and kids that isn't fun. Oh well at least for the time being I have a "butch" voice.
Anyway hope you all enjoy my return to blogging and everything Oz, I decided to really try to give it my all and focus in on some of the collectibles I get and have. There is as far as I know only one other blog doing just that and another that covers new items coming out

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Something a little "Wicked"

You know every now and then something happens that just makes you fee loved beyond words. Gestures sometimes speaks volumes more than anything else.

Yesterday was one of those days. In an attempt at getting better at running this blog, I want to try to share at least some thoughts on a daily basis. I have to commit myself to doing it.

Anyway as many of you know I have some really good days and some really bad ones and well the last few days have been the really bad days. I shared in my "Everything Oz" Yahoo group that I call it the "Fibro Crude days" This feeling like the Wicked Witch of the West set you on fire, took you on her broom a mile into the air then shoved you off. After which the Winkie guards of the witch did a Mexican hat dance on your remains before a house fell on you!

I thought it summed how I feel on my bad days. But what I wanted to talk about was unfettered kindness. the kind that comes from no where and makes you speechless. Our Everything Oz group has this Secret Pal program you can sign up for and you get a name to buy or make Ozzy tings for all year long or you can buy and make both.

Anyway a few days ago I was just stunned when I got a package in my mailbox marked from E-bay. I knew I hadn't bought anything the money hasn't been there. It was a 5 x & color photograph of Kristin Chenowith dressed as Glinda from "Wicked" and signed! As you can tell the photo is just gorgeous. It was also my first real "Wicked" collectible other than some of the merchandise Barnes and Noble had last year.

In the meantime another friend of mine who knows who my Secret Pal is was asking me all sorts of questions about what I likes Oz wise, what I had and just a ton of questions so she could feed the info to my Secret Pal of course. Well I mentioned loving the Kristin piece so much that now I had to try to find an Idina Menzel piece to go with it .

Well yesterday which was a g-d awful day fibro wise that I was really depressed. I walked to the mailbox and Bingo another E-bay envelope. This time a 5 X 7 of Idina and Kristin together as Elphaba and Glinda and get this signed by BOTH of them!!

Well I had to sit down I was struck speechless and just cried and cried and cried I was so moved. Words do not begin to even describe how I felt. But I wanted to talk about it here because that simple act of kindness and friendship meant so very much.

It has been on rare occasions that someone does something like that and for me the last 2 months it has happened a few times--- So for this person Thank you for doing it so sweetly!

Monday, April 6, 2009

should have seen it coming

I was doing some research a few days ago on Fibromyalgia and found some tings rather interesting at the very least--warning signs if you will for the disease that I missed for years....

1). Most people who suffer from Fibromyalgia also have Restless Syndrome, Chronic Pain and or Nueropathy.

2). Most people suffering from Fibromyalgia also have an auto-immune disorder of some sorts.

3). Most people who suffer with Fibromyalgia also have been diagnosed with Depression.

4). Some but not all people suffering with Fibromyalgis also tend to have discomfort with bright lights, loud noises and some touching.

5). Most people with Fibromyalgia also suffer from lack of "revitalizing sleep". Sleep that leaves you feeling fresh and rested is what I mean here.
6. Most people go undiagnosed with Fibromyalgia for a period of time, before they end up being diagnosed with it.
I wanted to post this so others would no what some of the signs are and what to watch for. If I had only known sooner. Some days are much better than others but most days are very difficult on many different levels. I think so far it has been worse than trying to live with AIDS because those "fibro" feelings and symptoms for the most part are constant.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring Yard Work

Well this afternoon after church and lunch Jim and I decided to do some Spring yard work. Rake leaves and debris, clean the flower beds and what not, we may not have a lot of property but it seems like so much yard work. The weather was perfect for it 55 degrees and a nice slow breeze it all seemed to be perfect for what we were doing.

The neighbors across the street are redoing part of their yard with treated railroad ties and discarding their old bricks, which they GAVE use no strings attached. So all the flower beds will now have bricks lining them to help keep the grass and weeds out and easier to try to keep up with. So far today I bet I have moved close to 60 bricks.

The flower bed by the garage got them first to finish off what my brother and I did last year. The the small strawberry patch we have got some and I am adding this year a separated Herb Garden. I am thinking Chives, Cilantro, Lavender, Lemon Grass, Parsley, Oregano and anything else I can get my hands on.

So the small garden is being extended into the one that borders the side of our property as well and I am hoping we have enough bricks to do that one as well. I still have last years Tiki Torches which I would love to get more this year and I need to get the fuel for them but other than that we have talked a small vegetable garden as well. Tomatoes , peppers, cucumbers mainly.

My hands yearned to feel life itself today
The ground holds so many silent sacred secrets
Millions of years,
Endless lives have walked upon it
The journey they lead,
The stories the earth could yield.
I could hear those voices today
As my hands entered the sacred dirt,
Their voices being freed
The silence broken
All I had to do was listen
To the earth in my hands.
Voices of anger and rage
Voices of sadness and grief
Voices of hope and peace
The cold damp earth slid through my fingers
Became one with my skin
My soul united with them.
Thank you Mother Earth for thy gift to me.