Monday, November 29, 2010

Thought of the day...Love

From "Losing Julia" by Jonathan Hull.......

"Why does the longing for love have to be so acute, like desperate thirst?  Is it because love is wanting to be saved and we can never really be saved?  Maybe love is born of our fears.  Love is the heart's desire for a pain-killer; a tearful plea for a great big epidural.  Yes that's it: love is the only anesthesia that actually works.  And as people with broken hearts are really those who are just coming to, and if you've ever seen someone out of general anesthesia you know that it looks like the beginning of a broken heart.

But to find it and touch it and hold it!  What a relief, if only briefly, until the love wears off or slips through our hands.  Strange how love--that most fickle of emotions--creates the illusion of permanence right from the start, just as beauty, so fleeting and elusive, can seem timeless and infinite to behold.

If love doesn't triumph, it ought to.  For love is the one thing that feels more powerful than even death; the only respite from lives wretched absurdity.  The magic of love is not that it contains all the answers, that it eliminates the need for so many pressing questions."

So, have you ever deeply loved, as this passage suggest love is and can be?  Can love even conquer death?  As Cher asks "Do you believe in life after love"?  Is this kind of love out there for everyone?

Anybody know who the model is?

Ok Mr. Smoking screaming hot is apparently the new face for "Pure Nautica" but anybody have any idea who he  is?  This ad was found in the December issue of Elle Magazine

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1--- Dan Radcliffe naked too

Well finally, my brother and I as well as his new "girlfriend" Paula went and saw  "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1,  What a great movie--- in many ways I wish we had seen it in 3D.  It would have been way cool.  Anyhow I am happy to say that there was a scene with Daniel Radcliffe in his blue boxer underacts an a hallucination scene where we got to see part of Daniel's butt with a somewhat unclad Hermoine.  I could not find the images from the movie but in my opinion one better Daniel Radcliffe FULLY naked front and back from his time spent doing "Equess".

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I want to take the time and thank all of you for reading this blog, somehow and I am still trying to figure out exactly why over 5,000 people have read this MONTH and we are not even at the end  of November yet.  I have hit on something--- that makes you all want to read and to keep coming back so thank you!!!!

I would be very interested in knowing what you enjoy about this blog, what brings you in to read and with that many readers I REALLY want to encourage you to follow my blog.  Maybe that is my next goal get the followers up in  numbers too?!

Thought for the day

Another quote from "Losing Julia" by Jonathan Hull... there seem to be so many things in this book that are making me really think......

"I can't bear to leave my room today.  I feel altogether too weak......but the weakness that comes with sadness, which is much worse.  I am starting to think sadness is organic; that sad people are cursed with more insight than others.  While our smiles defy our bitter plight, our tears acknowledge it.

Maybe that's why the only people who have really interested me in my life besides children----are those who have experienced the loss of a loved one.  People who haven't felt the caustic burn of death are like students who haven;t yet held a real job; the world is still theoretical; intellectualized, vigorously debated, nut not fully comprehended.

Any search for the deeper meaning in our lives has to start at our deaths.  That's the fundamental overwhelming dilemma of our humanity. But the absurdity of our lives--which I can now only see clearly--is our unwillingness to concede that we are in a bit of a pickle in the first place.  It's quite funny, really: several billion people all feigning immortality, as though they each have some secret exemption, or at least an indefinite future, and thus can not afford to run down the clock without the least sense of urgency.  And the incredible thing is, you can live....and still not make the most of the time you have got."

So are we living fully, making the most of every moment?  If not what is it going to take to make fully living happen?  Do we fear our own death as Jonathon Hull suggests? Not wanting to face our own immortality.

Mondo Guerra on the cover of Poz Magazine

Well kids, our boy Mondo has made the cover of the December issue of Poz Magazine.  He is listed as one of the top 100 AIDS Fighters.  He is number......42 ----"The newly openly HIV_positive star of Project Runway disclosed his satatus in a tear-inducing moment of truth in front of millions, redirecting the spotlight to the cause and reminding the viewing public that AIDS is anything but over in America." this is on page 40 of the magazine.  Also according to the magazine you can read an interview with Mondo on their wesite --- the direct link kids is

So here are the pictures from the magazine

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thought of the day

I am still reading--slowly I might add because of the amount of hmework as the semester comes to an end----"Losing Julia" by Jonathun Hull.  I also have been thinking about World AIDS Awareness day quite a bit here lately too.  What was I going to say, expound one and until I read the following passage I had no idea.  Even though this book is about World War I, I felt that this passage could be about any tragic event.......

"We walked among the rows simple white crosses that guarded a silence so absolute and dense it pressed against my eardrums like water at the bottoms of a very deep pool.  That one there , he was a new father and next to him, the last of three brotherskilled and that one there was to have been a poet and that one there a teacher and over there a great scientist and that one a writer and that one a priest and that one ther, there in the corner, well that one could have been you, oui?

Names, endless names impaled accusingly on endless white crosses. "I always think of their mothers," said Julia, holdiong herself as though she was cold, her arms crossed in front of her.  I remembered teh sound of men calling their mothers; how common it was, so that you cae to expect it. 

"Maybe they should bury everyone in the same cemetary," I said.  "All of them, so that people could visualize the toll.  Can you imagine it, millions and millions of headstones and crosees and Stars of David in row after row, with one war right next to the other?"

Can you simply imagine such a place, the effect it would have on our very planet? Or would it?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Yo Dona Magazine October 2010

Yo Dona Magazine October 2010 Issue

Editorial: "Orlando"

Photographer: Ruven Afanador

Models: Vanessa Lorenzo and Joan Pedrola

Fashion Editor: Bernat Buscato

Hair: Wendy Iles at Art Department

Makeup: Yasmin Heinz for DMW London

JI absoultely just ADORE this incredible photoshoot.  I suppose I could attempt to justify my  love or offer some form of critique or analysis of the following pictures, but kids, life is too damn short. It's just full tilt freaking fierceness fabulous, full stop. Beautifully gorgeous backdrops, engaging stunningly beautiful models, imaginative and creative styling and the some of the world's most coveted haute couture pieces anywhere. It's pure, delicious fantasy eye candy, darlings, and it's good for the soul as well. Indulge till you have gorged yourself. And consider sculpting your hair into a 3-foot topiary the next time you go out. Just for the sheer hell of it.

Burlesque Movie Clip "Welcome To Burlesque" Official (HD)

Well kids, went and saw this last night and kids it was just FLIPPING FANTASTIC!!!!! Another must see!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

more Jack Mackenroth---this time NUDE

I did some web searching on Jack Mackenroth and found this yummy photographs of him nude...  Hope you enjoy!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Jack Mackenroth with a beard!!!!

For all you Prject Runway fans it is Jack Makenroth's newest look---FACIAL Hair!!  You gotta love Jack!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thoughts on Race

The following I wrote for an upcoming College Writing II class on Monday.

Are we as a society still tangled in the shackles of race and racial divide? At the heart of racism is fear; because race implies a real difference among us, those differences implies a perceived superiority and that superiority may lead to predominance that is either perceived or could become very tangible. Fear of the unknown, fear of the unthinkable, fear of our actions of the past, fear of our own ingrained hatred and finally the fear that we may once and for all be the very same. If we can only comprehend that all people of every race, creed, religion and sexual orientation---cry, eat, laugh, die and worry it will introduce the concept that we are all the very same, that we all have the exact same intrinsic value. But by not acknowledging those simple truths we not only threaten our very future but we make the present inaccessible.

One can imagine that one of the reasons that some people cling steadfastly to their ideas of hate so strongly is because they fear once hate is gone forever they will be forced to deal with the tremendous pain of what we have done in the past. What we have caused, the real price of our actions based on perceived notions of difference that simply do not exist. Everything we possess now as a society is in our very hands, we have no right to assume otherwise. If we will not falter in our care and duty to that society now, we will once and for all end this racial nightmare and change the very fiber of our planet.

There is only one true and honest path; to pursue with fresh resolve that confronting the violence, stamping out blatant bigotry and ending flagrant hatred with the same determination that we attack the causes from which they spring – conflict, ignorance, poverty and disease. The world we seek and that we need to demand, is a place where every child can grow to adulthood in health, peace and dignity – in short, a world fit for children. A world not only fit for children, but a world in which our children can thrive, grow, excel and achieve their greatest expectations and wildest dreams of success. A world that every single person experiences before we are taught to hate, taught about those differences and that those differences separate us. The world where we, as children never saw color, sex, religion or politics: we see the child we want to share our blocks with so we are not playing alone.

By cultivating, embracing and pursuing these ideas we give every child the same equal opportunity they deserve and we as a society owe them. Can we finally let centuries of unjustified bigotry go, unshackle the chains that not only bind our minds but our very souls?