This was for a Stage Play Class I am taking. We were asked a series of question about the theater and then asked to write something form those questions we were asked---Hope you enjoy it

"Theater Is For Sissies"
Flawless November nights, the city of Chicago
Embraces lovingly our lead Anderson Cooper
Solid,hard...oak floors his Louboutin's shall tread
Lavender and oatmeal with raisins wafting
Welcome his fearlessness, him scented with Chanel Number Five
As Eva Peron; forget ole what's her name
Patti Lapone isn't anyone
Thongs of adoring fans clamor to hear our boy
Sing "Don't Cry For Me Argentina"
As they sip cappuccino in red velvet seats
The Queen, no not Anderson; but Elizabeth
Has her box seat at our Royal Albert Hall
Anderson's BMW maybe jealous of her Rolls Royce
But he has his darling Coco, an Ivory Shi Tzu
Oscar Wilde would be besides "herself"
As love has dared to speak its name
Boystown sellouts; standing ovations roar
Hoping Anderson will play
Ms. Gypsy Rose Lee next
Because my dear it takes a sissy
To really conquer the Theater