Monday, April 30, 2007

April 30th

Well gang, its the end of April and I have no idea where it all went. Is it me or does time to go faster the older we get? Remember the days in grade school when we all were counting days till summer vacation and a month seemed to be an eternity away? Oh, for those simpler times--at times.

Jim is feeling much better today than yesterday so thank you all for praying for him, maybe it was just a 24 hour thing. But last night was Jackie's (my 5 year old Shi Itzu) night for being sick. Five times of cleaning up doggie barf is even taxing for the strong stomach person but when its me and my "weak constitution" it was a little much. I know not her fault but trying none the less. So I skipped doing all the hair and make-up for the cast of "My Fair Lady" last night as my baby comes first. I know a fair amount of us agree with that statement when it comes to our pets.

I spoke with a friend yesterday via e-mail and for those of you lucky enough to be going to the 2007 National Barbie Doll Collectors Convention, you all have less than 2 months to go. Wish Jim and i were going as it has been 3 years since our last time, but it isn't the cards this year. Maybe for Barbie's 50Th Birthday in Washington D.C.

This morning its of to the local elementary school to see about enrolling my 7 year old nephew in the fall as my brother is planning on moving down in here June if all goes as planned. It will be nice having them closer considering gas is $3.00 here again and talk it will be $4.00 bu summer. I think its time to buy a horse !

Well this morning was one of those days where you stumble out of bed at 5 a.m. bleary eyed having to pee, you do and go back to bed to find out you can't fall back asleep oh well maybe I can get more done today than normal or at the very take a longer nap . Its off to start my day and if I get a chance as I go will update you how it all unfolds.

Until then my friends now that you are in my thoughts--- Friends, I pray that life will treat you kind, the wind always at your back , give us faith that we will be safe and your day filled with grace.

Peace out---Charlie

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