Monday, April 16, 2007

My first Blog entry

Well, I have the basics set up I think for this site--So let's start blogging as they say.
This morning started out at the dentists office to have what was left of 2 teeth pulled and I have one more to go, then all my cleaning, filling/cavatiy work is done and all we have left is the partial that I need. So lots of Novacain, Gas and a slight head ache and I am finally getting to the point where i like my teeth.

This afternoon was spent setting up this blog site and sitting in shock about the 20 some people killed at Virginia Tech College. I like many of you first heard about it on the news and am horrified to think that one person can kill 20 and wound another 20 on top of that, what kind of person/monster does this to another human being. That this college campus, probably like many around our country had no real security set up to prevent this from happening and never thought it would happen. Personally I think the college should close for more than 2 days for students to adjust to the shock, go home for a break if they want, attend funerals if the want and try to gather their heads--I know I would have to! Hopefully they they will. In the mean time I hope that we as a nation and as a people can join in prayer for those families and friends who lost a loved one in this killing, and for those wounded will recovery quickly.

Well on a more personal note, I have been busy working as ever on dolls/doll repairs and have to get off my rear end and take and post some pictures of what I have done repair wise as well as my paintings. Jim wants to check out a gallery that sells art work see if my stuff fits in and then set up an appointment for them to look at my stuff. Lets keep our fingers crossed that it all goes well.

I have a doctors appointment with my AIDS Specialist on the 23rd of this month and post what I learn that day if anything new. Let's hope there is nothing--that would be a nice change! I just got the "bill" from the biopsies and surgery I had last month and all I have to say is thank G-d I have Medicaid/Medicare as the bill was $11,000!! Can you believe that! That is more than I make in 2 years on Social Security, can it possibly cost that much? That my friends is a trip to Europe! And yet hospitals are suppose to be non-profit , aren't they?

Well off to work.

Peace out--Charlie

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