Well, yesterday was spent first at my Art Classes that I take at an actual studio and I am still working on my very first Landscape in Oil and have been since October it is coming along nicely. Considering the class is only 3 hours long and only once I week I guess the time line is enough. I a m at the point though at the class were I would love to finish this piece and start a new one.
The painting I am working on now at home is coming along nicely and will post a picture of it as soon as I have it done and a picture taken. I personally think its one of the best I have done. I don't want to tip my hand at what it is I am painting as I want all of you fairly surprised!
By the time class was over it was lunch at the house which Jim had ready and time to change my clothes grab some Cd's and get in the car for my doctor's appointment. It's almost an hour drive for me to the doctor's office but he is the best in his field and I have seen him for years. he wants me to have new blood work the first week of May, see a dermatologist for the rash on my hands and other than that my next check-up with him is in August. Coming back wasn't as fast with the construction, fog, rain and RUSH HOUR traffic which snarled its way it seemed for ever and a hour and a half later I was home. Thank G-d for cell phones so Jim knew what had happened even though he was already at work.
It was a real quiet night here finishing that stupid bear for one of our customers and all I have left is to sew on his nose and mouth which I will do this afternoon with other sewing jobs I have. The rain continued most of the night here. This morning though my day started at 6 a.m. as I couldn't sleep and started in on some overdue do
ll work, did the dishes, and made some ice tea.

I would like to take the time to invite all of you who read my site to take the time and check out Sean Tataryn's Myumee's New My Space page http://profile.myspace.com/myumees . Between the incredible photos the other thing that really grabbed me was the music!!! It was like Madonna club music, just utterly FAB-U-LOUS!!! That's three words kids and not one to make it last longer !! All I have to do now is figure out is how to add music here. Maybe not Madonna but something different and FUN!!! Sean if you are reading this GREAT work and great blog. If I can't figure it out maybe make the switch to My Space !! I don't even know if you my readers would follow me to a third new site . Going to have to see if there is a HTML for Dummies book.
Well gang next time, keep happy, busy and love from my home to yours.
Peace out
"To be fully human is to believe in something or someone,
to know that it's possible to face the unimaginable
and somehow put one foot in front of the other
until you manage to find your home again."
-- Oprah Winfrey
to know that it's possible to face the unimaginable
and somehow put one foot in front of the other
until you manage to find your home again."
-- Oprah Winfrey
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