Thursday, May 24, 2007

A life lived

A life lived in fear is not much of a life lived

A life lived in doubt is one lived in confusion

A life lived in secrets is a life half lived with those who care

A life lived in an uncertain future

because you are afraid to step out

is a life lived in cowardice

My life will be one lived in hope

A life lived in faith

A live lived in what I know is undeniably right

A life lived where I truly listen to those I care for

A life lived in courage

A life that may not be like yours

because I will never have what you have

but who is to say that yours is any better or any worse

than the life I have lived

Walk a thousand miles in my well worn shoes

and understand where I am from

and who I really am, and then I in return walk

a thousand miles in yours---- only then

will we know each other inside and out

Sometimes the still small voice in the depths

of your heart is all you need

All you have to do is to listen to it, once it is found

it maybe a friend who sees it before you

it maybe a thought you have in the store

and it may come from a complete stranger that brings it to light

But you should not live a life that leaves you unfulfilled,

full of doubt and dead inside and out when there is

a very real way out. All you have to do is


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