For me Gay Pride and Stonewall has always played a big part of my life, ever since coming out. For me it is the key to most of the freedoms I enjoy today, for me it is part of the key that helped advance AIDS research, funding and acceptance of us as a whole. Ellen, Rosie, Martina, "Will and Grace", Representative Barney Frank and the thousands of others that are in the positions they are in because of the brave and vocal folks involved with Gay Pride, ACT UP and Queer Nation. Not counting NOW, The ACLU and even the NAACP which have helped advance our thinking into what it is today.
This year has had it moments, don't get me wrong--the skin rashes, the walking pneumonia, the neuropathy/RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) and the fatigue have been the biggest hurdles but at least so far the medications are working and the weight --as much as I want anyway has come back--now its trying not to overdo it. I have to try to keep my boyish figure.
The weather here yesterday was scorching--or at least for this area this early-- a whopping 90 degrees but its the Ohio humidity that puts the whole thing over the top. Today was a little cooler and thankfully some rain, which for this part of Ohio we needed desperately. I did manage to get some work customers done today, not what I would have liked to have gotten done, but when the fatigue calls you grab your teddy and nap for as long as you need to.

The other thing I want to touch on is the anniversary of the death of one of the greatest stars and singers that has ever lived in my opinion--the timeless JUDY GARLAND. Gay Icon, tragic figure for some, died too soon, worked into drug and alcohol dependency but still an incomprehensible talent. June 22, 1969, some of have gone as far as saying that it was the death of Judy that prompted the riots in Stonewall, I don't know if I would go that far--but I do think the times what they were with Racial Segregation, The Civil Rights March, the hippie movement, the war in Vietnam--that as a whole it was a time of great turmoil and great sadness in some regards.
I was a mere 3 years old when Judy died, the age she was when her foot first hit the vaudeville stage but believe it or not she stilled played a huge role in my life like so many gay men my age and older. Like so many "The Wizard of Oz" remains my all time favorite movie of all time and even all these years later--66 to be exact since the release in theaters.
Speaking of Judy Garland, there is an exciting new group on Yahoo called The Judy Garland Experience. The group features ultra rare audio files, amazing photo's, lively discussions, and the most eclectic bunch of Judy fan's you will find anywhere.
ReplyDeleteThe membership includes Garland family members, historians, authors, film makers, other celebrities, and fans of all levels. The only person missing is you!
This week in our audio section we are featuring Judy's November, 1968 concert at Lincoln Center where she tenderly pays tribute to Harold Arlen, Her complete performance in 1953's psychological musical, Lady In The Dark, selections from her concert at the Met, and some other odds and ends including an oh so rare concert performance by Judy's friend Anita O'Day. Please stop by our little Judyville and check it out, you may never want to leave.