Friday was absolutely positively bar none the worst day of my entire life ever. The Valium he prescribed barely took the edge of and I was loopier than a kid in a candy shop with $1,000 bucks to spend
The pain was unreal, I honestly felt like I was being ripped inside out through Mr. Happy who by the way wasn't all too happy
When it was finally over I was a abll of raw sobbing nerves, covered in my own urine, humilated and angry as hell when all I was told was "it's over now, you can go home". Not even a damn towel to clean up. I lost it at the receptionist desk and said "You know I am more than a G-d damn number, I am a person and I have feelings and I demand some respect and this place gave me none of it, not even anything to clean myself up with". This of course was at the top of my drama queen voice.

t of my mind
The rest of Friday was spent sleeping as I went home and drugged myself out of my mind. Saturday was some better again thank G-d for drugs and today was the first tim in two weeks I have "went" with no pain" at last its finally over. S from here on out a gallon of water everyday for the rest of my life to never have to go through that again.
Well this coming week is going to be playing catch up for the last two weeks with the doll repair, which is still coming in steadily and as of today I am promising in to November already. My christmas deadline slots will be filled no later than the first part of October and then we are done as I do not want to work myself to a frazzled mess like last year.
Well Gang till next time,
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