Friday, November 16, 2007

Happy Birthday 2 me

Happy Birthday 2 me

Where has the 41 years gone

Time seems 2 have slipped by

What have I really accomplished

What do I still want 2 do

Happy Birthday 2 me

16 years living with AIDS

Fatigue that this last week

has left me crippled

While everyone seems

2 have forgotten

I am another year older

Does it really matter?

Happy birthday 2 me

no cake

2 cards, 1 present

is it different than any other day?

Who know what I want

2 B a successful big time

doll designer

nothing more

I don't think I could take it
if I could not accomplish

one simple dream of

making it big

Maybe it time 2 come

in from the rain

maybe I need 2 use my life

the way i want because

i have lost so very much

41 years--


As many of you know

the last posts are usually

the very thoughts that

I can not begin 2 put into words--

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry it's late. I've been pretty sick since before Thanksgiving so missed posting.

    Hugs! Christina
