Saturday, November 3, 2007

I need to get better

You know I keep saying I am going to get better about this whole blogging thing--and then it stays the same. I feel like that at times there is so much that happens in a day that all of you miss out when I only write about it once a week. What I think I need to do is set time aside in the mornings or evenings and do nothing but this blog--so all of you can keep up with what is going on here--and I feel better about keeping you all informed.

First off--we here as of this morning finally got our killing frost and as of this morning when I went to take the dog for her walk I wore my winter coat for the first time---BBBBRRRRR!! I know it won't be long till snow flies. We also rearranged the furniture in the lving room so we can get ready to se the Christmas tree up--I am one of those people that have to have all the decorations up my Thanksgiving Day and in our house that means 3 trees! One of which is nearly 8 feet tall drenched in over 60 years of ornaments.

I go this Monday to the dentist for the first fitting of my partial--top plate 3 teeth--and I am looking really forward to it as I will be 3 teeth closer to a full set of teeth again. The E-bay sales this last go around seemed to slowa little but I am thinking with Christams less than 70 days away it will pick up soon.

We bit the bullet, as they say, this month and are making up all 3 house payments we were behind on as they were talking forclosing like they did over a year ago--but it also means next to nothing money wise for the whole month--unless I can get some serious doll work done. This in all reality is do-able but how much is the big question. The fatigue has still been really bad, I have even noticed when I go to walk the dog--and it isn't a huge wlk let me tell you--that I have to sit and rest about half way through it.

Last weekend, Jim and I as well as my mother, brother and my 8 year old nephew went to the circus--it was my nephew's first time and he had such a blast. We lucked out as tickets were $15 and we split the cost--which made very do-able. In December we go see Barry Manilow adn those tickets were a steal at $10.00 a piece but you had to drive into Cleveland to get them at that price--Last time we saw him it was the same price and he sang for almost 3 hours.

Yesterday I took my Mom to her Social Security hearing and she got approved for it finally and they are back dating it to 1998--I am so happy for them the insurance fees they have been paying for her to have medical have been awful but now she will be eligible for Medicaid/Medicare and a Social Security check. While in Cleveland yesterday I went and got tickets for "WICKED" and at $29.50 worth every penny--those were the cheapest seats available and I have been saving for months to get those--it is my birthday present to myself even though Wicked doesn't roll into town till February.

This weekend my brother and nephew are out and we are going to see the "Bee Movie" and then go through some things to see what they have for this winter--I would go more into detail what is going on there but at this time I still can't--but lets keep them in our thoughts and prayers. Part of why they are also out is this is my brothers only weekend off this month and we are celebrating my birthday early--as it is the 16th. Well until tommorrow kids.

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