Sunday, December 23, 2007

Closer yet to Christmas

Well all the shopping is done and done under budget somehow--it wasn't much but it was all thought out well and from the heart. My brother has been here since yesterday and it has been really nice having him--we finished the Christmas shopping yesterday and then he surprised me while we were in Little Italy in Cleveland and we went to lunch at this wonderful little restaurant. The food was out of this world and the glass of wine we had was some of the best I have in a long time.

The evening was quiet as we were tired from all that shopping so Jim, Shane--that's my brother and I all waited the John Travolta/Queen Latifah version of "Hairspray". Not sure yet what the day will bring. I do know we have to finish wrapping presents.

I did want to take the time and thank all of you that come here and read my thoughts, and thank all of you that have entered my life and for being friends--it means so very much to me.

Something we all know but with a slight twitst

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