Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My Doctor's visit and other stuff

Well I went to the docotr's today--my local GP and I was told that the aching in my chest that I have had sincce yesterday is Costochondritis. And that I am to be on bed rest for the next 8 days and I am 3 new presciptions to help treat it. In the mean time I hurt like hell.

Costochondritis is an inflammation of the junctions where the upper ribs join with the cartilage that holds them to the breastbone or sternum. The condition causes localized chest pain that you can reproduce by pushing on the cartilage in the front of your ribcage. This is according to the web, because I couldn't remember half of what she told me in the office about it. I have to be careful she said as it could develop into pneumonia or some other respitory infection. Just what I do not need!

Then to take steps even further she strongly recommended I quit the near full time work schedule with the doll repair as I could no longer "keep up the pace" and it more than likely ruining my health. More or less what my HIV specialist said in November except he said cut it in half to 3/4. Don't ask me how with Christmas and some of the other issues I have brought up here before. I have no idea as of today what on earth I am going to do about it, except pray for my Moses "burning bush" moment.

My GP also said after looking at me too there is a VERY strong possibility that I do have Fibromyalgia, she took it even the step further and said my chances were about 90 percent without even seeing a Fibromyalgia Specialist. There was no real need to see a specialist like that as there is no real treatment for it which my HIV Specialist said--she said though it does make life VERY difficult and so fair they both have hit the nail on the head with that one.

Today is the 5th anniversary of when Ron and I entered Hospice and it is 10 days from when he died---can I say I honestly hate this time of the year with every fiber in my being. With this anniversary so close and the doctors visit today I don't know how much more can be expected of me.
Add too this whole huge mess my brother divorcing--there that is what I couldn't talk about earlier in October, but now with a court date set I am going to finally talk about. First of all I hate her--the soon to be ex-wife more than anything else--- she is to put it shortly the trash white trash people throw out. Makes Britaany Spears look like Mother of the year. Some of the stunts she has pulled would make a good show Dr. Phil, and while I don't want to get into details about it, but there is no way a court is even going to give her temporary custody. The problem or some of it is with my brother feeling guilt about this and that he is somehow--in my opinon--is divorcing not only a Miss Universe but also a patron saint for human kind. Why on earth can some people be so naive. Enough about that it gets me mad that I am the only functional member in a dysfunctional family.

Well my friends I am sorry about the "b*tch fest" but sometimes you just have to say something--ya know.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Charlie,
    So sorry to hear about the fibro, I know it's no fun and really limits your life. I know that being in bed is no fun (going on 3 years now) but you can still have a life. Maybe it's that ministry you wanted? Don't lose hope!
    Hugs, Christina
