Saturday, January 5, 2008

first 2008 post

Things here have been quiet since Christmas
Christmas was small with family
Never really did get into the spirit of it
New Years Eve was quiet as well
we were in bed by 10:30
the last few days have been spent
being sick still
Will have to see the doctor
on Monday I believe

.....Won't you let me in? You seem so far away all the time-- Should I try anymore?
.....Won't you talk to me about anything that really matters? Really open up to me
.......Do I feel so alone all them time?
.........Can't it be any different?

.........Has it taken me so long to say anything, would it make a difference?

We only have a short period of time that we call this life
It will be gone to soon

Will we say everything we have wanted to?

Will we have done everything we wanted to?

Can we make up for lost time?

Have I made that much of an impact?

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