Monday, January 21, 2008

Honoring Martin Luther King

44 years ago today this event was supppose to change our world....have we achieved everything Reverand Martin Luther King spoke of that day. 144 years ago Abraham Lincoln signed the decree of freedom from slavery of our brothers.

Many things have changed and I am not denying that by any means...but the Klu Klux Klan unfortunately still exists in the deepest south, segregation still is an issue are we all totally free. Can our children of all races truely hold hands? 1963 was the beginning, 2008 is the year to fully make his aspirations TRUE not only for Africans Americans but all people--gay, straight, married, divorced, widowed, never married, young or old, African American, Hispanic, Chinese, Oriental Cacausion and even mixed races.

I have a dream one day that we will rise up.......that our children will be judged by the content of their character.......join hands as sisters and brothers........ thank G-d Almighty I have a dream

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