Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The incompetence of the system.............

Well after a racken fracken < in my best Yosemite Sam> 5 days with the local fakata AIDS Taskforce I am not eligible for services for an aide through them or even Ryan White Federal Money because I receive Medicaid/Medicare. And will not be eligible until I have EXHAUSTED EVERY OTHER RESOURCE POSSIBLE----her words exact!!!

The doctor said the referral I gave for an organization that my best and longest longtime friend works for I am not eligible for, as I do not need Skilled nursing--won't even supposedly send anybody out to evaluate me till it is at that time--period. My friend is trying to change that.

So then Jim and I looked up another facility that offers skilled/non-skilled and companion service but he said they do not accept Medicaid/Medicare and is private pay at $17.00 an hour with a minimum of 2 hours per visit. There is no way we can do that!

So then we called an agency out of the phone book that said they accepted all kinds of payment skilled/non-skilled and companion services but it has to be preapproved for Medicaid/Medicare which has to be done through the State Welfare/MRDD Department. Which we all now anything involving the government could take forever--or till I am dead.

I was so mad after yesterday I am on the verge of G-d knows what, it was like a fit the Tasmanian devil throws in those old Bugs Bunny movies.

I just don't know what to do am calling the Welfare/MRDD Department today and see where it gets me--in the mean time--- I guess lets hope.

Some rather sad Hollywood news from yesterday--that I couldn't do yesterday for some blogger/Internet issues--but actor Heath Ledger has died at the age of 28 from what app eras to be a drug overdose. Many of you may remember Heath form the phenomenal movie "Brokeback Mountain".

So on that not lets not only pray for me today but Heath's young daughter and his family......

The following is by the getlmen who made this incredible "Youtube post" if anything the music is very haunting---thank you guys both for what you did on behalf of Heath.

Heath was an amazing actor and he will be sorely missed by all those that were touched by his performances.

This is an instrumental piece, and it was chosen to convey the intimate, yet sweeping romanticism of Jack and Ennis's relationship.
By definition "Renouncement" means "to be resigned to, to give up or refuse". Toward the end of Jack and Ennis's 20 year relationship it was clear that Jack had become resigned to the fact that he could never BE with Ennis in the way he dreamed of ("I did once").

Their final climatic scene together at the lake overlooking Brokeback Mountain clearly was a turning point in Jack's mind and heart. As Jack stood by the Lakeside, looking out into the mountains...his mind raced with memories of his love for Ennis, thus begins the vision for "Renouncement".
There is a high quality version available for download.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear this. I'll keep you in my prayers. Contact your state rep for help.
    Hugs, Christina
