Thursday, January 10, 2008

My day--some thoughts

Well the bone scan today went much better than I thought it would. The neighbor lady, Linda, across the street ended up taking me as Jim was working today. I went in at 11 like scheduled, told it was for 10 even though my paper said 11, they gave me the shot for the scan and then a 3 hour wait before I could do the scan. Linda was very kind and took me to lunch and I had a delicious Mediterrian Chicken Salad with hot tea as it was so cold here today.

Like I said the scan wasn't that bad but the bad part was the laying completely flat, not moving and then the second set of scans was with my arms over my head and I thought I was going to die it hurt so bad. Thank G-d I took pain pills before we left for the hospital. Results will be in 2-3 days and the only thing that threw me was the question had I ever had a cancer diagnosis--- so maybe the spot they are looking at in my 8th rib is cancer? Will keep you all posted on what develops.

If I have to be honest here I am a little scared that they are checking to see if there is cancer but my thinking today so far has been that it is more than likely routine but it does make you concerned you know. The cancer thought never even crossed my mind if I have to be honest as well and that is why I think I was so thrown when asked about it.

In the mean time am waiting to here from my case worker about someone coming to the house like an aide to check on me while Jim is at work till I can get back on my feet, I would say the biggest problems has been the shortness of breath, the pain which at times is horrific and the fatigue has been pretty bad as well. The other part as far as any kind of work being done since last week---there has been ZILCH! There are days where it wipes me out to make lunch, but yet supposedly I am not eligible though state programs for help go figure. Can we blame George W for this?

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