Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Tests results and other news

Well the test result from MOnday came back and I am hapy to say it is not pneumonia like I thought. It is however arthritis either around or in my ribcage and ribs, I go tommorrow for a bone scan to figure out exactly where it is, how bad it is and how far advanced it is. The arthitis of course was something not completely new for me but is new in my chest and of course was brought on because of the advanced AIDS--longterm of course. But than according to some commercials I have been seeing lately it sin't AIDS anymore--its advandced HIV disease. I guess its more politically correct or some horse sh*t, my thinking is call it what is, period!

The other problem is part of my lower lung has collapsed. So I am on new pain killers that are stronger and I am to try--no matter how painful to tak deep breaths every 1/2 hour to try to get that lung to re-expand. In the mean time the pain is pretty damn bad and of course I am somewhat crabby as hell and very little work has been done doll wise. No real clue as of yet what I going to do if this pain is here for the long haul.

I have however been reading a rather good book "Love In the Time of Cholera" which I would recommend and was surprised today by Jim he bought me "Mimics in Oz" by Jack Snow. My first Jack Snow book, which of course I am excited about. A freind of mine said that there are rumors that Jack was gay, so looking forward to reading that as soon as it arrives.

Also have to figure out the sleeping thing by tonight as when I went to lay down for my nap this afternoon I couldn't lay completely flat as I got to coughing really bad which made the pain unbearable and Jim said I was talking to somebody--who wasn't there, personally I don't remember that but do believe him about it.

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