Monday, February 11, 2008

Back to Normal?

Ok I want to let you all know that this feeling better streak has now gone on for 3 days--no walker, no cane, on my own power, my own will and back to "normal". Many of you know that I don't use the word "normal as what the hell is that but I can not for the life of me come up with a better word to feeling better.

The above clip a friend of mind sent that I thought was very cool indeed and wanted to share it with all of you--so hope you enjoy.

Another fast note--Jane (from Everything Oz) I got my record playing over the weekend and finally am listening to all the Judy Garland records you sent me in December and January. The unit looks like an old radio--got it at Target and listening to Judy has made my day--so huge hugs and kisses!!

My other point here is in reference to a friend of mine going through a really rough time, what I want to know is why do some people have such a hard time in letting go especially when you keep getting emotionally so hurt, so often--so freaking walk away, hang up, no longer communicate, severe your ties. It has taken my friend months to do this and they STILL haven't been able to completely do it yet. Keep this friend of mine in prayer if you would.

Keep me in your thoughts tommorrow as I try to go back to a somewhat "normal" work load as far as doll work goes. Tonight I made dinner for the first time in a month and even did 2 sinks of dishes.

Another fast note here as well to all of you I finally have the money needed to take the Mark Dennis Sculpting Class I have wanted to take over a year now. An "anonymous donor" gave me the money, which of course left me specchless--which if you know me well, is hard to do but I am indebted to their kindness and generosity. So keep your eyes out over the next coule of months and hopefully very doon you will see some of my very first sculpted works right here.

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