Saturday, February 23, 2008

the flu bug

Well the last 3 days I have been sick with what I think is the flu--lot of diarrhea which is always so much fun--not! Then there is this kinda of sluggish all I want to do is sleep mood I am in when I feel like this. It's been hard because I really felt like I was better. It also has made it hard as I have also lost 3 more days worth of work doll wise and there is pressure to get something done.

My doctor's visit went really well and my tests were very good t-cells are now 143 versus the 77 they were and my viral load is 1,000 compared to 100,00--so I guess over all I am better. The only disturbing part was my weight which is now 213 and I feel like a big ole fat pig.

My weight has always been an issue for me from obese at my heaviest of 250 to my slimmest and most anorexic at 125--I have been everything in between. With the problems with my health off and on for the last 17 years my weight has always been an issue and many times I wish I could get past the hurdle. I really believe Carson Kressley should do his new show for men--like myself who can not bare to look at themselves naked.

Here in Ohio we are in the midst of all kinds of political commercials for President, Congressman--town pig farmer, OK that one I am kidding but it does get a little much after a while. It seems as if every time you turn around on TV there is Obama and Hillary. I know as many of you that this could very well be history in the making with either one of them ending up with the delegates vote and yes it is exciting but are people really going to be voting for the "person" or the issues they stand behind. It will be interesting to see how it unfolds.

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