Sunday, April 20, 2008

Happy Passover

I know I am a little bit late but I wanted to wish all of my readers a very happy and sacred Passover season, where has the time gone that we are in this time and place again. A time and place in my opinon of holiness. Maybe more so this year than others for me because I am more aware of what is around me and I am more at peace than ever before.

My brother was out today and for the first time this year we bar-b-qued outdoors and ate at the picnic table in the back yard. It was so nice, laughed so much and for the last week have had some very profound and moving phone conversations. We had chicken, burgers but the killer was the grilled SHRIMP---YUMO as Racheal Ray says .

Also the first time this year I had to mow the grass, didn't think I would have to this early but once I started I didn't realize how high it was. Ever notice the incredible smell of just cut grass I did when I was finished with it and listening to the birds sing. It wasn't terribly hot, today but it wasn't to cold either for me it was very pleasant.

With that said I want to get into Chapter 5...............

Chapter 5

1). The quiet and stillness is holy and sacred.

2). The scared can be found even in the most ordinary things, a calmness and stillness where everything is magical.

3). The human mind seems hooked on the "me and my story" or the consatnt mind chatter or for some even both. Thinking happens to you all the time. Try to become aware of "the voice in the head". Some people can get trapped in "the voice in the head" and not be who we really are. We as a species who to a very large degree have lost our way---lost in thought---lost in the mind.

4). The past has no power over you! It can become as a burden page 141..... " Nothing ever hapened in the past that can prevent you from being present now; and if the past can not prevent you from being present now; what power does it have? Any negative emotion that is not fully faced and seen for what it is in the moment it arises does not completely dissolve. It leaves behind a remnant of pain". "This energy field of old but still very much alive emotion that lives in almost every human being is the pain body" when this happens an addiction to negativity can arise.

5). Be there as a very compassionate presence versus reacting to drama and accept it as it is. Don't feed the pain.

My final thought for tonight is from the Bhagavad Gita and is Hindu thought....

He who sees me everywhere and sees everything in me will not be lost to me, and I will not be lost to him. I exist in all creatures; so the disciplined man devouted to me grasps the oneness of life; where he is, he is in me".

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