Friday, April 11, 2008

A New day- - - - - - - - 525, 600 minutes

Well gang, not to be boastful but I am so happy to say that 2 days ago I did my first 10 hour work day and an 8 hour work day, for the first time in over a year. IN all honesty I didn't evn realize I had till it was over. I just focused on what I was doing, what I wanted to try to do and stayed with "my project" till that project was finished. I have made some serious catch up doll work wise in those 2 days and for that I am grateful to my new consciousness.

I guess I got in the zone, and yes there was some tremendous physical pain but somehow it seemed less when I was focused on just being. I find myself saying that a lot here lately , that and "it just is". How wondeful to have everything changed in a course of five weeks.

With that said I want to go more into depth of what I learned from Chapter 4

1). Take responsibility for your own consciousness and respect others were they are. Complete acceptance versus being judgemental. Know that what it is at the level it is. Acceptance is vital.

2). "Human alone is never enough, no matter how hard you try or what you do". Be present in the now ad you will not lose yourself in the human dimension. By being just there equals is creates less stress and gives more light and freedom..

3). Planning is more productive when you are just present and do it before and after the planning.

4). Just trust that in life that what you need in the future will be there when it is needed. You need to be in the present to be succesful..

5). The passion is more great when you are focused. Great endeavors start with small steps. It is "in the doing" that there is intensity of power.

I want to close with the most profound thought I read this week and found it in Hindu thought....

"Seeing, hearing touching, smelling, eating, walking, sleeping, breathing, the disciplined man who knows reality should think---- I DO NOTHING AT ALL".

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