Tuesday, April 1, 2008

News from the doc and other stuff

Well as they say inquiring minds want to know--so here it is plain and simple. It is internal shingles--I am on 2 different medications for it but here is the "fun part" it won't go completely away until they develop externally. Yippee! Of course I am being facetious here but hey it is what is. The kicker according to the doctor is that shingles are primarily brought on by stress--which I never knew, so I have to de-stress myself and imagine what it would be if I weren't in the "New Earth class"
The incredible art work in today's blog are by some very talented gay artists Micheal Breyette and Steven Walker. I found them while doing a search online for gay art work and of course since this blog is read by a wide variety of people I wanted something that wouldn't be labeled obscene or offensive. It would be a window into what I feel is a big part of my world.

Speaking of which I want to share some of what I learned in Chapter 3:

1). We are beyond our "stories"--we are consciousness, we are that which can not be defined through concepts or words.

2). We should reach the point where we can say "I am not sure who I am anymore. Because I longer attach the "I to my story" or the things I perceive myself to be. You should also try to become comfortable with out knowing who you are so you can reach consciousness.

3). "When you react to another, you strengthen in yourself" this is out of the book and basically boils down to the faults we find in someone else, there possibly is something within us that we need to address.

4). Labeling others desensitises yourself from the aliveness and the humanity of the other person, because you relate that person to that label. Keep in mind in some circumstances violence can be very possible if you do label.

5). This next one was huge for me--a real ah ha moment if you will..... Complaining with no real purpose is not consciousness and it doesn't bring about change. Say something that does make change happen. When somebody is wrong the situation can become personal when in reality it shouldn't. State the facts without the negativity, because when you do it with negativity the situation than becomes negative because it fuels RIGHTEOUSNESS.
There is more out of chapter three but I don't want to overwhelm here so I will save it for my next post. It is my prayer that in some way what I am learning you can and may be helpful to you even in some small way.
If not than you may not be ready for that and that my friend is fine too. It is also my prayer that all of you are doing well, and know that you cross my mind daily and you are in my prayers as well.
I also hope you enjoy and are enlightnened by some of the religious pictures I have used and the broad use of religious Youtube posts as well as the fun stuff.
By the way kids this isn't Bette Midler it is the late and very talented Kenny Sacha. Kenny may you rest in peace but know your talent is never been forgotten. I saw him nearly 20 years ago and was left speechless. It is fun and campy and I love it--It sums up me

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