Friday, April 4, 2008

The power of Laryngitis

It was so nice yesterday to be able to talk with a very good friend of mine named Christine who is "my second mother" in all reality even if I barely had a voice. The last now three days I have developed laryngitis and today my voice is nearly gone. Those of you who know me real well when I get a could I end up sounding like some reject from a John Wayne Cowboy movie but to have my voice go softer and softer till now there is barely anything this is completely new.

With that though maybe is my time to be really silent :). It has given me more time to be conscious and more tuned into myself so I accept for the now being silenced. The medications for the other seem to helping more so thank heavens I went to the doctor when I did and I appreciate your prayers in that matter.

Now unto the last of the notes of things I have gotten out of Chapter Three of "A New Earth"....

1). There is for some people an addiction to unhappiness.

2). Our purpose in this life is to be present in this moment and bring that moment to the world. Be more fully present. The now is the exist door to the go. This last point was big point for me.

3). It isn't about believing, it is about the knowing. Their is no separation between you and G-d. "Spiritual realization is to see clearly that what I perceive, experience, think or feel is ultimately not who I am, that I can not find myself in all those things that continuously pass away".

4). Finally ending Chapter 3 is..... Only the truth of who you are will set you free. It is that stillness--not knowing who you are is the beginning of who I really am, and the essence of who I am is INDESTRUCTIBLE.

I also started today this great book at the library, yes I am one of those who read more than one thing at a time called "The Bhagavad- Gita" by Huston Smith--which is on Hindu thought and teaching. I want to close tonight's post with something I read out of it this afternoon that I thought was very moving and profound.......

"Our bodies are known to end,
but the embodied self is enduring,
indestructible and immeasurable;
therefore fight the battle,
It is not born
it does not die,
having been,
it will never not be,
unborn, ending, constant
and primordial,
It is not killed
when the body is killed".
Lets close with some Hindu chanting, I hope you take the time to listen, meditate and connect with the you from within--PEACE

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