Saturday, May 31, 2008

End of May

This first picture of yours truly with Mark Dennis our teacher for the sculpting class and the lady closet to the frame is Irene (Barb Felt's mother)

I know I have been bad again here about posting to the blog and for that I do apologize. My schedule has been rather busy with gardening, housework, and of course the never ending doll work as well still trying to adjust to some meds I am on. Don't get me wrong I do love the business and I guess it keeps me out of trouble--it does however help pay the bills .

This second picture again courtesy of Barb Felt as I forgot my camer, dopey me huh. I swear at times I would lose my head if it weren't attached.

I did set up an area in my sewing room to sculpt dolls and I have started a new sculpt that is very slowly coming along. I also set up what will be a new additionalroom for my ever growing doll collection. Between what few I buy and the ones I get as gifts and a few very generous customers that know my taste really well I am to the point were the one room is bursting at the seems.

My iris's are in bloom in the back yard as well as the poppies are just starting to open, there are little itty bitty starts to grapes on the grape vines we have and we finally got some much needed rain last night thankfully. Hopefully everything we planted does well.

Well for now I will close as I took some pain pills and they are making me groggy at best

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