Saturday, July 5, 2008

July 4th Weekend

Well I wanted tot take the time and tell all of you that I hope you are having a wonderful July 4th weekend. This one for us has been my family was down yesterday for a cook out with had with the neighbors and friends there in total about 30 people at their home. So many people, so much food and my lord the booze. it was every where.
By night fall it was time for the fireworks that neighbors shot off--the same one's with all the food, people and booze-- almost a full hour of fireworks and none of this sissy stuff. It was just as nice as our towns Canal Days Fireworks and in all actually even better. Rumor has it three of them went in together and bought them all and rumor has a total value of damn near $2,000 in fireworks. It was such a nice time.

Today the party at the neighbors continues with Pulled Pork Sandwiches and even more company for them. Yesterday I made a Touch Down Taco Dip, A Spinach Seafood dip with pumpernickel bread, and nacho chips and took 30 cans of BEER. Today it is a Lobster pizza I made served could with a sour cream/mayo/cream cheese base and cocktail sauce over that with cucumbers, green onions and shredded cheese, Jim and I then made about 30 homemade donuts and took over there for everybody for breakfast and last but not least Paula Deen's Corn Casserole.

New today in the paper also mention that Conservative Seantor Jesse Helms has died yesterday rather peacefully in a nursing home. Some of you may remember him from his days as a senator cutting funding for the arts, and AIDS and many other worth while causes. The biggest fight though was in the arena of AIDS and his obstinate stance against doing anything for "those worthless faggots, who got what they deserved". I find it so ironic in a way that he died so peacfully when in all reality between him and Ronald Reagan so many people in the USA died horribly from a disease they felt we deserved.

Well I will get off my soap box and finish by saying I hope that the Helms family kind find peace in this their time of loss and somehow get to the point where they are paying it forward as some people say.

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