Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Have you ever felt like this??

Well I have---- "full to the brim of the whole damn world.....I don't care if the are fasting! I can't be spread so thin---I belong to myself". Some days it just gets to be too much, the prescription pills to fight AIDS, the side effects, the fatigue the burn out. Maybe this clip is why so many of us as gay men relate to Judy.

A four hour nap this afternoon as the fatigue was way to much to bear, the numbness in my hands has been very steady and as I told Lisa ( a friend I consider my sister) that I am suffering from burn out in many ways. The only good thing is Jim today got dinner tickets to Carousel to see "The Wizard Of Oz". I have started on my goodies for the goodie bags at Chesterton and I thnk they are just to damn cute.

Anyway as always keep me in your prayers.......

1 comment:

  1. I do understand as you know.Keep heart my dear friend and enjoy those good moments like tonight. Carpe Diem! I keep you as always close in prayer.Have fun at OZ.

    Hugs & Love, Christina
