Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We're back home

This top photo is from the "Hat Contest" and although yours truly didn't place I had a ball. Personally I think I should have gotten points for the SHOES . Speaking of which I am glad we didn't leave the night before. For those that read this blog, that did not go to Valapariso it RAINED darn near the entire time we where there and there was massive flooding killing a boy in Chesterton, about 9 miles from where we were.

Homes evacatued, the turnpike closed both ways there for awhile and traveling we are told was nightmarish. All in all we had a fantastic time at the "Wizard of Oz Festival" and will most definetely be doing it again. Our trip home was good and no real problems.

However we here had a huge strom with toms of wind and the neighbor right across the street from our home lost a tree that FELL on their home, if it had fallen the other way guess were it would had BEEN!!!! So we are not only fortunate but we are thankful. The neighbors with the tree on their home has a 15 ton crane scheduled sometime tomorrow to come remove the tree. I will be on my porch if all goes well watchig "the boys" remove the tree, nothing like a handsome guy working and me watching .

I am also happy to say that this trip for me was very life changing in so many ways and I would like to share that with all of you...my faithful readers....... I am going to have to say that there is primarily two people who I meet at the "Wizard Of Oz Festival" who changed my life the first would be Danny Windsor--who was one of the nine guys who were the flying monkeys in the scene when they take Toto and rip apart the Scarecrow.

Danny is 83 years old and put on a 45 minute drag show at the gala that in my opinion brought the house down and when talking and meeting with Danny one on one I was told he still works a 40 hour week at Meyers as a Greeter in Michigan--talk about tireless.

The second and probably the most life changing meeting was Caren Marsh-Doll, who was Judy Garland's stand in for Oz and is almost 90 years. I was very fortunate to be sitting directly behind Caren at the "Yellow Brick Road Shop" gala party they had when I won my blanket--one of only 30 made--and I was stunned and crying because at that point I didn't even have enough money to buy one. I off handedly said "I never win anything" and Caren said, Charlie your luck has changed. Well we had a few conversations this weekend of and on one of which I will be shgaring later but Caren gave me so much hope--she still dances at 90 and teaches at 90. So Mrs. Doll if you are reading this--THANK you so you sweetly---for doing it so neatly.... I am now one of your biggest fans.

For those of you who read this blog to see my latest work the following photo is of a painting that was raffled to help Donna Stewart-HArdway, who was one of the child munchkins who is going home with hospice and her husband to die. Donna has been very ill and the raffle was to help the family in anyway we could help defray costs during this very difficult time. I hope you all join me in praying Donna ad Nelson at this time. The balck and white painting is the one I did of Judy Garland during her "Presenting Lily Mars" movie time frame, which according to John Fricke is Liza Minneli's favorite photos of her mother. The Dorothy painting is by a brand new friend of mine named Tracy Hanson.

I start my 2nd level chaplain class tomorrow so keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I am at this time having some minor problems with my left foot but I guess Ruby slippers do that to you everytime

I thought this was wonderful--its Hebrew Rap to "The Wizard Of Oz"......

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