Sunday, November 23, 2008

For all you ART lovers---ATC's

Well gang as many of you know that read this blog I am just GAGA over ATC's (Artists Trading Cards) ever since our Everything Oz club did them I have been hooked big time and been signing up for swaps left and right.

Right now I belong to 3 sites they are:

ATC's For All-----
ATC Newbies-----
ATCs For Everyone----

So for you I am going to share some of my lovlies........This first set is for "Snowflakes" for ATC's For All
This second was for a swap I though I had signed up for and I had not and then when I saw the rules I didn't follow them either talk about blonde moment--so these are available for teh time being till they find a home....

1 comment:

  1. Keep making and posting your ATC's! I can't wait to see more.

    Yes, we'll have to get together sometime and have an "Art Day." Perhaps after the holidays.

    I'm going to be reorganizing my art studio/room, during Christmas and I hope to have it set up for 3.

    See ya at AFA!!
