Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"The Shrine"

OK well I have the pictures finally taken, I have them finally re-sized for the blog and hopefully you will enjoy seeing what Jim teasingly calls "The Shrine". Personally I call it "The Museum" or "Judy's Room" I spend a lot of time in her when I am upstairs in my studio. I moved the record player up into the room last week so I could play all of the records I have--currently 66 records thanks to Jane Albright--Jane I love ya! I will have to share the story sometime how I got them.

The blue painting you see in this shot was painted by me by the way and is done in Acrylics. It measures I think 16 X 16. I also have a sealer over it which gives it's glossy look.

By the way I have started listening to them again one by one the first time took over a month to do it, but with it in now in "The Museum" it is like Judy is in that room giving me my own private concert. Wonder how many of us that collect Judy or Oz have our own room for the stuff, as you will see the wall space is sparse and will be starting it the hall as well very shortly.

Well anyway forgive the pictures and if the room looks a little disheveled as it is always a work in progress. Right no I am trying to clean it up and organize for the company that is coming Sunday just to see the room, who knew there was so much dust. The room is basically an old bedroom and I have to paint the walls which I probably should have done before turning it into this crowded space. I just had to start and have a place other than through out the whole house that I could call my own.

The idea really hit after being at the Yellow Brick Road Shop in Chesterton and visiting their mini museam as well. I just could not get the idea out of my head and started very shortly after getting home from their. Their is sheet music, books, Cd's, figurines, posters, old magazines, photos, autographs, dolls, banks, souvier programs a lot of stuff to be honest including my prize possesions Judy's personal earrings and purse. What I would give to own just a scrap of one of Judy's dresses!!

Well gang thanks for the visit and I hope to hear how you all enjoy it!

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