Monday, December 29, 2008

Some new Oz/Judy items

Well I know it has been awhile since I posted about some new items in my collection. The last few purchases have been Michael Roche figurines and I have more to buy before I finish the series. You can see some of them in the fourth picture in the entry called "The Shrine".

As far as Christmas goes the only Oz things I had given to me were from my Secret Santa and my year long Secret Pal both from the Everything Oz Group I belong too. "Glinda Pam Pack-Pappas and I met when I had blood tests in Cleveland right after Christmas and she was very sweet and kind to me with goodies and lunch and for that I am indebted.

Nothing says the holidays like a good corn beef and latkes with potato salad in my opinion.

The first item I have had a little time and it is a "Look" Magazine from October 7, 1969 with an article written by Mickey Deans about Judy's last tragic months. The story is like 4 pages long and is mostly things Mickey re-says in his book that he writes later that the article. The book is "Weep No More My Lady" which I have had in my collection for some time.

The second item I want to mention today is original sheet music from "Meet Me in St. Louis" and of course is the theme song from the movie "Meet Me in St. Louie, Louie".

Directed by Vincente Minnelli and produced by Arthur Freed the movie went on to be a classic and you can check out the Christmas post with Judy singing "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" The song was written by Andrew Sterling and music was by Kerry Mills.

On a different note I want to ask that you all keep me in your prayers today as I go to the doctors as I have felt just god awful for over a week. My chest and back hurting just as bad as last year this time. My legs and arms hurt really bad today and strength is a problem. Personally I think it is either the internal shingles flaring up again or it is the start of pneumonia, but than I am no doctor--I do know how I feel.

There are other things I want to cover in the upcoming days and some other new goodies I have added to my collection to sales I did right before Christmas on E-bay. So until then......

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