Monday, January 19, 2009

He would be so proud today

He had a dream
That we as a people could be united
Forty years since that speech was given
The steps of the Lincoln Memorial
The words uttered from a man that was a visionary
Now is the time where we have risen
from the dark and desolate valley of segration
to the sunlit paths of Racial justice.
His dream has become ours
We have joined hands
Cast our votes, elected a new president
A completely new experience for us as a nation.
The bright day of Justice has EMERGED!
I wonder if today as he and Coretta look down from heaven
if tears of joy and happiness fill their eyes
I wonder if Hope has engulfed them
I wonder if their hearts rejoice and their souls are soaring.
I wonder if they with Abraham and Mary Lincoln and John and Jackie Kennedy sit
saying "All Men are created equal and the dream has been realized".
G-d Bless and keep you Barack and Michele Obama

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