Thursday, March 19, 2009

When it rains it pours

Just a short note to ask the readers of this blog to keep me in their prayers. I was rushed this afternoon to the hospital by ambulance and it turend out I have another kidney stone. The 20th stone in 18 years actually. Medication related but according to the doctor it is very small and very passable. I am on 5 new medications for it and I just ask that you all pray I pass it easily and soon.

I wanted to share a purchase I made some time agon on E-bay of an original Lobby Card for "A Child Is Waiting". This card however is Mexican and I thought it was so neat that I had to have it. What was nice was the price which was very affordable as most of the original lobby cards are way out of my price range.

I am going to try to get back posting about my ever growing collection. Right now it isn't growing as much with Jim on sick leave and my not seeling anything at the moment on E-bay. But there is other stuff I can show and talk about.

I have decided for the time being to keep the sight up because it is unique and I hope their is interest.

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