Friday, May 22, 2009

Handyman anyone??--supply the booze where there

By the way gang a quick comment about yesterday's post--I decided to show Jim and was playin the Peter, Paul and Mary "If I had a Hammer" and he looked at me and said "Mary, if you had a hammer you would be dangerous". Everybody's a critic---smile.

Well yesterday was just damn near back breaking and I realized I am not as young as I use to be, or for that matter never will be again. We started painting first, don't ask me what possessed us to paint first but I guess I had nothing better to do <>. It has been a VERY long time since a paintbrush has been in my hand to paint a wall and not a canvas, but it went fairly well. Took quit a while to do it as there are so many nook and cranies in the kitchen to paint around. Today will be spent finishing up the last touches of paint and then I can post pictures before the "new click and lock floating floor" go in.

Of course while the paint was drying we, the adventurous, creative souls that we are decided what the hell lets start ripping up the linoleum. For the most part it went fairly easy all but the corners which had to be heated with a blow torch to soften the glue and then ripped up (see the above picture of my brother doing that---Jim said it was a scary thing to see me with a blow torch in my hands). Kids if you do this yourself like us nutty DIY guys make sure your windows are open real wide because OH LOUISE the smell, thank heavens my dad had told about that before hand.

By mid-afternoon we needed another trip to Home Depot as we didn't quite have enough paint, which provided a short break in the DIY madness. We noticed while we were there that you could hire one of ther Home Depot men for $400 for 8 hours and JUST to paint! I told Jim at $50 an hour it better be a naked Jilles Marini or Brad Pitt painting my kitchen. My brother was like "You see that"? While teasingly saying and "I get paid what?" to which of course the response was BOOZE and food hence the title of the post.

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