Wednesday, June 10, 2009

87 years ago today......

It all began just as simply as any other birth that happens

But because of circumstances this was no ordinary birth.

At first an unexpected pregnancy

That the mother at one point wanted

Terminated when such a thing was illegal.

But when that face was first seen the father

Fell in love with "Baby".

It would be almost two and half years

Before the gift this "Baby" posessed was heard.

That voice of song changed everything,

Vaudeville wasn't far behind, singing

At Papa's Theatre, traveling the road with Mama.

Finally discovered and signed to MGM

while still in your teens,

the movies came very fast one after another.

Each one showcasing "Baby's" voice

some small roles but one that left you immortal.

Sleeping pills, multiple marriages, breakdowns,
being released by MGM in your twenties,

and a string of financial problems could not keep "Baby" down.

Your fans adore you, they needed you

As much as you needed them.

So today on your 87th birthday I want to say

You made me love you and I always will

Happy Birthday Judy Garland

Judy 'Live' at The London Palladium April / May 1951

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