Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Comic Books

Well the first one I want to show and talk about is Book 6 by Shanower and Young for Marvel Comics. This is part of the first series of comic books "The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz". There is a second printing/variant cover as well that is out now as well, but over all the illustrations are just incredible and the story is the one based on the book not the 1939 movie. The series gives this whole new visual look that happens to be very cool at the same time, to a familiar tale and at $3.99 each these are a very affordable addition to any collection. The variant issue so far have only two issues out--the cover is the only difference to the comic book.

The second comic book is "The Oz Wonderland Chronicles: Jack and Cat Tales" by Jack Avery and Casey Heying with pictures by Caesar Antomattei, Casey Heying and Oak. It is Publlished by Buy Me Toys.Com and the cover is of issue one of a series.With incredible odern graphics and a more modern twist on the story of Oz this comic book may not be every one's cup of tea. The graphics are very well done and very colorful and like I said a very modern twist on even the characters themselves. Again this one is also $3.99 and the series right now is not informing us how many issues.

The third one for this post is also by Eric Shanower "The Secret Island of Oz" published by First Graphic Novel. This book is written and illustrated by Eric and is very similar in style to John R. O'Neill's illustrations/style and was first published in 1986. The illustrations are just breath taking while uniquely being Eric's and the stories are new, imaginative, creative and very enjoyable. Some of the very best new Oz work available in my opinion. In many ways I wish Eric would right longer stories and maybe something geared more towards adults, but this series of books is very worth investing in. At $8.95 originally most of the time I find them priced at $18.00. They can be a little hard to find but again worth your time and effort.

I also wanted to take the time and apologize for not posting sooner this month, but I have my elderly grandmother staying with us since Saturday and will be here till Friday or Saturday of this week. Time is a little limited as she has not been all that well but I have been sharing with her Judy Movies many of which believe it or not she HAS NEVER SEEN before and at 81 I find that so hard to believe. Her visit has gone well it does however take up a lot of time for the extras that I am use to doing everyday--like this blog.
Well gang until next time, keep me in your thoughts.

Judy Garland live at the Greek Theatre Los Angeles September 13, 1965

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