Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"One Being Gay"

Since Gay Pride is fastly approaching I wanted to take the time and share some thoughts with all of you.....

"On Being Gay"
I knew I was different very early on
I didn't know know for a long time
That there was a name for it.
I just knew how I felt deep inside
I knew who I was attracted to
I knew what occupied my dreams.
Then the names came--
When would it all end
The cruelty and hatred from others.
My own inner struggles
To accept whoI was
Was bad enough.
It takes time to be comfortable
In my own identity
And to grow from there.
I became active, I became vocal
I became political, I grew strong
I became hopefully a role model for others.
Over twenty years have passed
Since I came out---
I regret nothing!

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