Sunday, June 7, 2009

Spanish Oz

You know last year I got to meet Robert and Claire Baum at the Chesterton Wizard of Oz Festival and after talking to them I realized I never had though about Oz outside of the English language. Robert told me that when they travel and especially over seas that they try to find The Wizard of Oz in that foreign language. That thought till then had never occured to me and since then I focus some of foreign language issues of books, posters, playbills, lobby cards--what ever maybe available.

E-bay is a great place for that and many times many of the items are considerably less than those in English, especially those that items that are original. Wth that said todays post is a reproduction poster of the Wizard of Oz in Spanish. This poster can be found rather easily from time to time on E-bay and rather inexpensively I might add from $7- $15 dollars and I feel well worth it. As far as an original one I have yet to see one on E-bay but then I guess anything is possible. I think personally the reproduction poster route is an expensive way to add to your collection as the originals can and usually are pricey.

Notes for the Youtube post by Woggielove: A music video of the 1990 Dic Wizard of Oz cartoon series to the song "If We Hold On Together" sung by Diana Ross from The Land Before Time.
A music video of the 1990 Dic Wizard of Oz cartoon series to the song "If We Hold On Together" sung by Diana Ross from The Land Before Time.

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