Saturday, July 18, 2009

Some brand new artwork

Well I posted this in my artblog some time back and thought I should post this here as well--since I get more hits here .

This is painted in Acrylic's and measures 18 x 24 and is professionally sealed. All it needs is a fram for it and your ready to go.

This is for sale now at $60 which does not include shipping and will be if not sold before than available at The Chesterton, Indiana Wizard of Oz Festival.

I could neverget tired painting Judy!

In 1968, One of her last TV appaearnces, Judy made a guest spot on this classic and unforgettable talk show, featured with her is her Easter Parade Co-Star Peter Lawford, see Judy sing Over The Rainbow probably for the last time on US Television! she looked great and sounded great! atleast to me anyway

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