Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Some inner thoughts

That early morning stillness
When the world still seems at slumber,
Things have not begun to unfold
Is the time of day I can sense
My own being, my own aliveness.
I turn in my bed one final time
Before my eyes flutter open
Thankful that I have this time
To reflect, renew and recharge.
Those first early morning steps
I am unsure of as traces of sleep
Fall away and my day begins a new.
What is in store for me,
What will I be able to acheive, to finish?
Will I take the time
To tune out what some call
The vast insanity,
Become one with myself, my core
My universe, my being.
Or will I become overcome
With all the craziness
that can overpower, overwhelm us
The next thing I know my day
Is over, lost to it all
Swallowed by a gulf
That took it all away.
If only my entire time left
Could be as those first
Few morning hours--
Vibrant, fresh, new
Full of hope, renewal.
I ask thee then t give me
The insight, the drive
to make that alive in me.

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