Sunday, December 20, 2009

Some Serious Thoughts

Seven years ago tomorrow
the world seemed to be
turned inside out, upside down
I've not been the same since.
I lost my heart
My soul stopped beating
Death snuck in the door
and took him away.
Life moved on
whether I was ready or not
Things changed
Stuff happened
I never forgot.
It doesn't get much better
as time goes by
as they tell you it does
it just gets different.
The pain is still very real
some of the emptiness
has been filled
some never will.
I pray for bitter cold breezes
to know he is near
as he said he would.
I pray for peace of heart,
for happiness beyond measure
to feel fulfilled.
Will he take those requests
to our G-d and make him respond
kindly on this man still in pain?
Does anyone understand what I feel,
does it matter at all, does anybody hear?
Or this journey my own
that should have ended when
my life kept going?

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