Sunday, January 3, 2010

Billie Burke Sheet Music

This item I have had a few months and it has just sat.  I really fell behind postig here for months as many of you know--well NO MORE!  If I want to pursue some kind of writing and putting a voice to what I am thinking than damn it I need to write!

Well Billie Burke did a Broadway/Vaudeville production in 1915-1916 that may have ran longer which I am trying to find out.  The production was called "Jerry" and I found on E-bay original sheet music for one of the songs from Jerry called "In Monterey".  This was the first time for me finding anything like this ever!  And well kids you maybe surprised when I say I paid only like $10.00 total which included the $3.00 shipping fee.

The cover as you can see has this beautiful picture of Billie on the front and I am happy to say all of the sheets as well.  What I would love to do is find someone to play this for me so I could possibly post here.  I think that would be the coolest.

In the meantime though I want to sahre the lyrics for the song.  Words were witten by Harry Williams and music was written by Neal Moret.  The publisher was Charles N. Daniels of San Francisco..

June time, what is that I hear? 
Spoontime, ringing in my ear;
It seems to want to say
Come dream in Monterey
Once more withme, my dear
I seem to see you there with me

In Monterey Where fishes play,
We sailed away Across the bay
Your eyes of blue Were playful too
'Twas then I knew What eyes could do
Forget the thrill I never will, dear
From now until I'm Old and grey
I'll bless the day In Monterey
The day you stole  my heart away In Monterey

June time, birds are on wing
Spoontime, Mission bells will ring
As the days of yore
When on that peaceful shore
Our songs of love we'd sing
Could you but be
Once more with me
(Sing Refrain Again)

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