Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dress Up For Haiti

CollegeFashionista.com has teamed up with The Fashion Student Organization at Kent State University to co-host a fashion show in order to support Haiti relief. All proceeds from this event will be donated to UNICEF. Our hope is that this event will be our way of showing that college students are dedicated to this cause. The runway designs seen at this show will be based around traditional South American garments in their culture. The event dates are scheduled to be February 12th and February 13th.

In order to prepare for the show, we have made CollegeFashionista Haiti relief shirts that will be auctioned off at the event for proceeds. In addition, we will be selling the shirts on our website for all of our readers to purchase.

If your in the area, definitely come out and attend the show. Our Kent State Gurus will be voting on the best look of the evening and we will post it for everyone to view on the site! For the rest of you, the shirts will be on the site soon for purchase. All t-shirt proceeds will be donated to the UNICEF Relief Program in Haiti

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