Monday, February 8, 2010

Gluten Free Diet a year anniversary

Well it doesn't seem possible but I have lead a gluten free diet for a year now. You may ask yourself what the heck is he talking about. Gluten from what little I know about it is anything with wheat in it. So anything with regular wheat products is OUT. It sounds harder than it actually is.

There seems to be some research out there that says people who suffer from Fibromyalgia benefit from going gluten free and for me it has helped me tremendously. The aching and hurting at times does not seem so bad, or as severe. In the very beginning I thought, Jesus I am going to have to cut everything out. Well that just isn't the case.

There is the whole line of food that is Gluten free. Flours made with rice, flax, potato and corn and all of those products I can have. The other huge thing I did was all of my fruits and vegetables I eat fresh, NOTHING from a can as far as produce is concerned. I seem to feel better.

It seem like a huge part of the last few days I have focused on Fibromyalfgia and I feel like it is just such a huge part of my life. It makes what my life is and isn't that makes sense. The fatigue for me is one of the bigger issues of dealing with this disease. The biggest challenge though personally is the Chronic PAIN! It is on many days just unbearable. Primarily located in my limbs and chest many a day you will find me on some kind of pain killer just in order to survive the day.

Lyrica when I tried it made everything worse and I was fainting/passing out as well. My balance was so off it was not even funny so that drug is not a choice for me.

I will admit I do allow my self on gluten sin a month as I call them and most of them I can remember if you ask me. My favorite was in August when my Gluten meal was homemade linguine with clam sauce! I just had too, it was the Feast of the Assumption in Little Italy.  Changing my diet seems to have helped and I know with Jim he has had tremendous results!  he has lost 35 pounds in that year and all of his blood work is normal so I know there is big positives to this choice.

Well until next time gang..... I am so glad we had this time together

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