Sunday, February 28, 2010

Some really great advice from a friend

Every now and again the right person comes along grabs you by the shirt front and says "this is the way it is and you need to see it right now".  I have a few of those friends in my life and ever now and then they do exactly that, grab my shirt front and say "Mary Louise, get over it".  I need that at times more than anything else.  Christina once again wrote this wonderful response in regard to yesterday's post about my fear, insecurity and doubt.  This is what she said........


I think that perfectionist are their own worst enemies. And most artists I know are perfectionists. I know because I am one and it has cost me a great deal of joy too in my life. Not wanting company to come visit for example because the house wasn't perfectly clean, not finishing a vision of some outfit because I thought it would not be perfect. Sometimes it is in the mistakes we find the perfect design, the perfect vision. But if we hold back out of fear we never get to see what we are capable of accomplishing.

Getting ill I had to give up on a lot of my perfectionist attitudes because I could no longer control how clean the house was because someone else had to clean it. I found I wasted a lot of opportunities for happiness that had come my way because I was afraid of feeling like a failure.

We sabotage our own success out of fear of failure before we ever attempt a project. I have done it myself in the past too. One thing I found that helps is to just jump in and "do it". Don't concentrate on the end results so much as the ride.

Enjoy the roller coaster ride in life for it ends all too suddenly. Think how boring a roller coaster would be if it just went on a flat surface going at a safe speed.It might be safe, there may not be any anxiety over that ride because there would be no insecurity or fear of failure taking out the "what if's" but how boring, a journey it would be!

The ups and downs are what make life's journey so exciting. Entering a fashion contest can be very stressful but it is the difficulty going up that ride that makes riding down the coaster with the wind in your hair and your hand holding the prize in so exciting. So very, very worth it.

So don't look at the ride with the scary bumps ahead as the thing that holds you back. Look at the ride in life and the scary parts being the thing that takes you to the amazing view at the top that makes the journey in life so amazing!

Carpe Diem! Seize the day and don't fret the small stuff, for it won't matter when we're gone anyway.

Sending my love!


Thanks for the grabbing my shirt front and reminding me something I knew in the back of my head and needed to see anytime you need to do it again please do. In the meantime I am embracing my inner FIERCE self, Look out because here comes THE FIERCENESS!!!

1 comment:

  1. I thought you might find this article helpful so I'm sending it along.

    I found it this morning in my Google reader.

    Hugs, Christina
