Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thoughts for the day and over 4,800 hits

I first want to share some links about the "Sew Your Love for Haiti" event that Stacy Thomas was so nice to send to me and the blog.  Stacy was also the co-ordinator for the event.  So Stacy if your reading this you have been the GREATEST, and I am so happy to consider you a friend.  Stacy was actully the first student I met at Kent State--so it is a special friendship, even if I had not even placed.  Those websites are:

I am also pleased as punch to announce that the photoshoot for Collegefashionista is TOMORROW!  Thankfully it is going to be held at the Kent State Main Branch Greenhouses, so at least for awhile it will feel like we are in the tropics.  It will be such a nice change from all this $%*&%$# snow we have had here lately and according to the news tonight, we are getting even more of the stuff.  Guess if it keeps it up the Easter bunny is going to need Santa's sled and reindeer .

I am a little nervous about tomorrow as I have not been on a photoshoot in many years, I have directed a few in my days when I worked for Neiman Marcus like a hundred years ago, so you can see where the nerves come in.  It is also exciting as then the website Collegefashionista is putting them up!  All these days later it still doesn't seem real!  This is the first time I have ever won anything like this in my life and I am well just pleased as punch.  Meeting some of the students already in the program there at KSU was my biggest highlight and hopefully we will become fast and close friends!

My first History of Civilization II was yesterday and hopefully I think I did fairly well it has been a hard class but I am learning so much iti s unreal.  Painting I is going real well and I will be doing this competition for the Canton Art Museum, waitig for my teacher to get more of the details.  It has beena very busy time.

Today was my "crash day" as I call them and if you have been reading me long you know that is my day to sleep after class it has been a little rough dealing with the Fribromyalgia and the AIDS this semester but I am coping I think rather well.  All in all it is the time of my life.

I just noticed today that somehow my little blog has had over 4,800 hits so I want to take the time and thank all of you for reading, responding and being part of my life--it means more to me than you may ever know.  I also know that for some of you this whole fashion thing has been a huge turn away from Oz and Judy and the collecting but fashion is becoming my life with the collecting as a side bar.

Fashion was in my life way before Judy ever came into the picture and like I told the reporter from the Kent Stater Daily I have sewn since I was four years old.  You can see what it than means to me being back in school for it and finishing a degree I left now almost 19 years ago when I became ill. I finally feel like I am the person I was before AIDS ever entered my life.  I am just so glad I have the chance to do it and by G-d I am GOING TO!

Until next readers, I am so glad we had this time together.

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