Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Thoughts for the day

Well today went better than yesterday thankfully.  I got my painting grade so far and I am so happy to say I am getting a B+ which I am very pleased with, it was a relief after feeling so stupid yesterday.  This afternoon Jim took me down into Holmes County, which is the heart of Amish Country and we went antiquing one of my favorite past times.  We had such a nice time, it was the first trip down since before Christmas because of al the bad weather we have had since then.  We bought some odds and ends and my big buy of the day was 12 yards total of 3 different sheer fabrics at 55 cents A YARD! 

Zinks Fabric is this outlet place with some nicer things and a lot of middle the road things--I am sure I would have found more if I had spent the time.  But kids I couldn't pass, so if any of of you KSU fashion designers are reading and want to go to Zink's let me know and we can plan a road trip.  I also got a few 25 cent lace collars that normally would have been $10.00 or more and three pairs of really cheap pants that all I have to do is sew in the hem of.  Like I said a nice trip and not spending a lot either!

Not much else to really chat about today it was a rather slow day but on the fashion front a good day.  Until next time--I am so glad we had this time together

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