Friday, February 5, 2010

Thoughts on today

I first want to take the time and thank the responses I got on my Fibromyalgia post, it meant so much to me that someone out their in "internet land" is reading me. I also wanted to say I have heard about people lessening or "recovering" from Fibromyalgia but have not investigated it that much. I have how ever a year ago went on a gluten free diet which has helped me tremendously. I want to post more about that on Sunday as that is my one year anniversary of going gluten free.

In the meantime homework this semester has me damn near buried alive but somehow I am doing my best to try to stay at least current with it.

On a lighter note KSU is doing a fundraising event for Haiti called Sew for Haiti that is going to be gettign a lot of press and media coverage and I have decided even though I have like only 5 days to pull this off I am going to DO IT! The winner receives coverage on besides all the local stuff. So I will be doing my own version of Project Runway! 5 days plus school and a budget of $40 bucks thanks to Jim.

My finished garment WILL BE POSTED here for all to see and hopefully photos fromthe event as well. It will be the first time my stuff will EVER be on the runway---EEEECCCCKKKKK!!!!! Besides its a great cause. So until tomorrow............ I am so glad we had this time together!

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