Friday, February 26, 2010

You are not alone.........

I just had to take the time and thank Christina for her comment to yeseterday's blog.  She is this very dear friend of mine from the Chicago area and she is like a second mother to me.  Simply because I know she gets exactly what I am talking about, a fellow sufferer of Fibromyalgia I adore her more than she knows.  There are many times I wish I was closer to help her and Larry with what they face, but I do know she is in my thoughts and prayers all the time.  This is what she wrote...........

Oh I can relate. I know that somewhere, somehow there is an answer to this profound fatigue that pulls you into the bowels of hell, pain that chews you up and spits you out leaving you writhing in bed despite pain meds.

I keep telling Larry that I just wish I could walk , and stand and just get a hug like other people without it being so painful and so darn tiring. Just to get ready to go somewhere takes all the energy I have. Then going to whatever place takes days worth of energy that I must then spend days doing nothing to recoup. It is a heavy price to pay to go to the grocery store or out to see family.

But despite it all I don't give up because that is not in my nature and not yours either. I guess that is the secret to winning this war on fibro/chronic fatigue, not giving up and waiting for that cure. I just hope I haven't lost the best part of my life by the time they find it. Until then I too, do the best I can, the most I can, and pay the price for trying to just enjoy the simple things in life.

Don't despair, there are so many of us that are in the life boat trying to get to shore that do understand and do care. It's just our disease keeps us many times from getting out there with others that share the boat.

I send you internet hugs...the non hurting kind.

Love, Christina

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