Wednesday, March 3, 2010

College Fashionista story and photos are UP!!!!

Well gnag the photographs and story are up on the website, and if you want to read it directly on the site here is the address......

With only two weeks to prepare, the student fashion designers at Kent State really wowed the crowd with their innovative takes on South American and Island culture. The winning designer, freshman Charlie Dale, decided to enter the contest after seeing a flier on a bulletin board. Here is his account, along with photos of his design with the second and third place garments.

Why did you decide for “Sew Your Love for Haiti?

“When I saw the flier at school I actually thought about it for a week before I finally decided to do it, and at first it was having the chance to show my clothing on the runway for the very first time, then it became about this great cause, helping people who really needed it. I have been involved with many different charities over the years, it is something I really believe in, and besides, it is good Karma.”

How many hours did it take to complete your design?

“The hardest part for me is getting the design out of my head and actually bringing it to life. Hours I am not sure, I know it was 2 1/2 days worth of work squeezed in between my homework; the one day was 12 solid hours.”

What were you most inspired by for your design?

“This may sound crazy but it was just the fabric choices I made. They were all colorful, flowing, beautiful fabrics and I would say I saw in my head this incredibly classy, fun woman sitting at one of those beach bars with a frozen alcoholic drink (my favorites by the way) in her hand, and she is cruising the really buff guys in swimsuits. She knows she is, but not everybody else is aware of it. Then at any given moment the right guy comes along and off she goes into the water after him!”
     Photograph is Beatrice Luu and her design 2nd Place

What did it mean to win this competition?

“Frankly I am still stunned, I wasn’t expecting it. I did the best I knew how and hoped the crowd would love it. Winning validated my choice about going into a fashion design program because when I first came to KSU in August I wasn’t sure what I should major in. Fashion however has been in my blood my entire life, I have literally sewn since I was four years old and was taught by my grandmother. Winning meant and means so very much to me, I am hoping it is a great beginning to a great career.”
     Photograph is Kyinn Lin and his design. 3rd Place
What is your design aesthetic?

“I would have to say clean, classic, timeless, graceful, beautifully constructed and hopefully something you want to wear over and over again. Very much like a good classic Chanel suit, something that grows with you and becomes part of your every day aesthetic.”

Who are your favorite fashion designers?

“Coco Chanel, Bob Mackie, Adrian, Edith Head, Calvin Klein, Alexander McQueen, Gianni Versace, Christian Dior—-there are so many!”

What would you like to do after graduation?

“My BIG dream is to work for Broadway and movies!!! I just adore huge lavish costume movies. I also would love to do speciality things like for the Oscars, Grammy’s, Tony’s, that kind of thing. Although here lately all my friends keep saying “So Charlie, when are you going to be on Project Runway”? I just smile as it had never crossed my mind, but I would give anything to meet to Tim Gunn and Heidi Klum!”

Well, thank you Charlie Dale, for deciding to enter, and a special thank you to Beatrice Luu and Kyin Lin who received second and third place mentions for their wonderful designs! All in all, The Fashion Journalism Team and Fashion Student Organization were able to raise over $1600 for the Unicef relief effort in Haiti.  Article writeen by Stacey Thomas

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